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Can we grow Kris in the upcoming update?

Well I have her level 3 sprite ready, but there's no scene for her growth yet. I have a lot of things in my to do list, if I finish everything else early I might do it, but no promises. If it's not coming in 0.1.9, it will be next update though probably.

TLDR: probably not

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We are only SWOLE in this house.


Mom's SWOLE.

My sister's SWOLE.

The photo of dad is SWOLE.

Once sis brought home a frog, 2 days later he choked slammed the predators and became king of the pond.

If we had a dog we'd name it JACKED because after a week it won't bench press below 330 lbs. 

It's not sole survivor it's the SWOLE survivor!

God,could you add a setting that can close the vibration when fighting ,the vibration is kinda annoying tbh and it sometimes vibrate sometimes don't 

Damn, I'll remove it lol. I never play on mobile so I didn't know it's bad. Good to know.

I removed it, it only happened on critical hits.

Thank you God,keep up the good work 

I will, mane. Glad you enjoy the game c:


Absolutely love this game. Thank you god!

Only thing i don't like about the sprite rework is i miss the look of the original gym teacher and gym owner. I miss my emerald eyed long crimson haired gym mommy. 

Thank you god for your eternal blessings! 

Ur welcome, I will keep working to make game gud c:


I reaally love your work! 
I have something to say though: I liked more the old Mia sprite.
A few questions: will the next update have new muscle levels for Amanda, Rachel, and the gym teacher?
Also: since there are a lot of kinks satisfied, what about feet and feet growth?

Fuck, just saw this. Pls forgive late reply.

Glad you like the game c:

I never thought about feet before, but I will consider it.

Gym teacher probably not, but Rachel will get at least one more level, Amanda not sure yet.

Why are the saves not working?

(2 edits)

Could you be more specific? :c

Going from 1.7 to 1.8

it is good to play it. it will update soon?

I dunno about soon, but I am working on the next update.

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You should make slime girls and monsters encounterable after dark, and give their slime to the biology teacher every 30 slime you get one random potion (massage lotion, steroids, or PP+ pills) in return. And maybe every 100 slime make the biology teach grow,  just maybe.

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ok I gave this idea because I want to kill slime girls, sorry if I’m a bit violent or if the idea sound stupid.

lol no, it's not a bad idea.

I added crafting in new version so you could learn recipes from biology teacher and then defeat monsters for parts so ye, this could work.

Will the cult girl have more development in the next version?

what’s this?

what the fuck is that
Maybe you left the game running for too long without playing, that's a renpy browser support issue

I dun think so, I was messing around with the futa girl combat system (because she has the most health and I want to joke around) when I press the save file button on the top right when all of a sudden that thing appeared, I literally piss my pants because I lost all progress

Fuck, I'm sorry about it. Did you try to save mid fight? What were you doing exactly when it happened?

Yeah I was trying to save mid fight


why i have to fight with homeless girl cant i just give her money

not yet lol

The game is just gorgeous, when should we expect it to be updated?

I am glad you like it c:
I will try to finish 0.1.9 this year and make it available for patrons before New Year's Eve, but no promises. I will make it public about 1 month after patrons played it.

Um  why was the option for instant text removed?

Instant text?

I hit a wall. Mia and my player are both lv 5 and i already did the gym teacher level. Have i hit the wall for 1.08? My phone says nothing to do either.

That means you probably reached the end of content in the current version assuming you also did the angela date and the scenes with emily and amanda in the school hallway.

How can you enter the mansion?

You need to get all sex skills to level 3, so just spam street prostitution and a mafia lady will approach you.

I don't see anywhere to track sex skill progression?  

If you could please add that GOD.

Thank you, our lord god in Kink Heaven. 



My saves just went away after 2 days, lost all progress

What did you do, mane

literally nothing, i saved and got off. Then when i came back the next day, they were just gone.

Weird sheeit, ngl. I never had anybody with that problem before. I'd need more info to help :c

Early game and gaining money have a small problem, there's a high chance that you encounter a Hood ennemy when going/exiting the city and it can oneshot you, dividing your current money by two.

Outside of that it's good, maybe a few more moves for combat or being able to level up other characters than your sister?

I plan on adding more weapons, equipment and skills. Also training for other girls as well as summons.


Is there a chance to transform player into a futa? I love fxf soooo much!

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Its something that in that world could make sense with their entire society seems to be going this route.


Hmm, but there is the route that player is far more stronger and sexier than most of amazonians and futas. There's also a chemist character who studies about that.  Isn't that a waste if the player can't be the dom?

Maybe I misunderstand your reply, I'll apologize if so. v_v

But who will refuse to see some futanarization stuff, right?


What i meant that in the context of this story that transformation into a futa can make sense. Since the corporation in charge of that nation seems to be pushing towards that path anyways with how much they hate men. Might be part of the evil/ neutral ending hes going to make.


Not in the current version, but we're thinking about adding it. Won't be early game transformation though, also before that we might add an NPC that gets futa transformation.

Cool! By the way, this is really a marvelous game!

I am glad you like it c:

This is a great update! Really love the cut scenes and the new sprites. All the new "intros" make me want more! A couple of questions and one bug to report:

1. Is there another scene with the nun? I've completed the first fight, but is there's something else to do? 

2. There's a screen with the slime girl, Mia and Rachel during a fight. Somehow, I can't trigger this scene. Did I miss something?

3. Are there more scene with the childhood friend than the first one?

4. The MC lost all the muscles and cardio after working at the Mansion. Is this a bug or a feature?

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Hi, I'm glad you like the update c:
Here's answers to your questions:

1 - Not yet
2 - That fight is just me testing combat, it's not in the game
3 - There are currently 2 scenes with Kris
4 - If you don't sleep you get "sleep deprivation" quirk and that makes you slowly lose XP. If you lost everything at once that's not supposed to happen.

Thanks for the reply. 

On point 4: yes, all XP was lost at once.


This may seem crazy but and stupid but I would like to see a hyper mode that unlocks a lab where secret experimental drugs are made to make the Girls grow stupid massive or yourself and adds more growth stages to each girl, I want Rachel to get stupid massive ,hell maybe her mom as well too but again a little stupid idea dont need to act on it.

I plan to add more growth to some girls, ye. That sort of stuff will come in future updates.

cool but again stupid ideas

How do you implement what you put into cheats into the actual game. Because i finished it normal but it wont work

I'm not sure what you mean, you just put the cheats password in and then you can use the cheats, it's instant.

Is level 5 the maximum to grow or will there be more in updates?

It's the current maximum, but I plan to do more levels for some girls.

Okay, I'll try to summarize my thoughts about the update somewhat concisely. Now, to make this clear from the start: I love the update and am very pleased with both the progress so far and the transparency of the development process, so keep it up!

Now, on to the new stuff: The new sprites and transformation sequences for the player are a wonderful addition and make the process of growing oneself feel worthwile. However, I do wish that the MC's size would matter more in certain scenes. Even if I am several sizes larger than her, the Mia training scenes still describe me as weak and scrawny compared to her. Scenes like the pizza girl do mention the player's size, much to my enjoyment. As part of this, I also wanted to mention that I love the new explicit scene with Angela and hope to see more in that direction.

Mia's new sprites look great, although I will say that I was one of the freaks who also really enjoyed her previous design with the shark teeth. Same as with the player, I love the implementation of growth sequences for Mia, as it feels rewarding. In general, I also feel like the grind for growth is now at a sweetspot, but feels slightly better for the player. I don't know if Mia always being dom is intentional or a bug, but I would like for the multiple paths to return, perhaps even with a vanilla, 'equal' option.

As for the smaller stuff, earning money feels great now and is far more efficient than before, the new items also feel like they have finally found their purpose and most of the new NPC sprites look very good and fit the world very well. The new combat system is of course still a bit rudimentary, but it certainly works. Jane, as a new entry, seems cool and the storyline promising. I am particularly excited about Kris and the prospect of growing a futa that is also on friendly terms with the MC, perhaps there is some potential there for unresolved feelings or simply gaining a new wingwoman? Still, while these new characters are great, I hope they don't come at the expense of older characters. I do hope that Emily and especially Amanda get some more development in future updates.

All in all I am very pleased with this update. It was mostly a great deal of very effective polish, but the new elements that were introduced do not at all feel superfluous and do add to the game. Keep it up man, I believe in your skills as purveyor of girl beef!

I love you, mane. I am happy you like the new update, I got a lot of stuff in the works.

To answer some stuff:

- the player's size is newer than many of the scenes in the game so they dont take it into consideration, I will go back and update them eventually, currently I work on adding visuals to old scenes like I did with angela date and rachel date 3

- I also liked the "just escaped from insane asylum" look, but many people complained about it and her design in general so I decided to go for something closer to her original design. Her paths were removed for now since we plan on adding dom or sub path to every character, mia will get dom and sub route like the rest.

- I am glad making money feels more worth while now, I plan on adding more jobs like working at supermarket and maybe some illegal stuff

- combat feels pretty simple, but I modeled it to play like darkest dungeon since I really like that game. It's capable of more than we can currently see though, I also have upgrades for it coming. I plan on allowing the player to make his own builds that affect combat, so stuff like equipment that works only at lower muscle, spells, summons, more weapons, more quirks and more enemies and enemy types. In general I want to expand on it, but a big target is to keep it comprehensive and intuitive.

- Emily has a bunch of scenes coming next update, dunno about Amanda yet

I will do my best to keep providing girl beef to the masses 💪

Is there a time when Sarah grows up?

Not in the current version, coming next update, I think.

At first I passed on this game but I'm so glad I gave it a chance, this rocks. <3 u Evil Femboy keep up the great work

Thank you, I'm glad you like it

Does cheat even work

Yeah, you have to put in password.

did but the enter won't work


what is the cheat code


Password is "gabagool"

dosent work

Is that a FUCKING suppranos meme?

Bro figured it out.

Hope the gals can grow in the combat encounters. Like exponential difficulty


Yeah, girls are able to grow mid fight, but I didnt use that in the game yet. Got a bunch of features I didnt use in the current version, got tons of ideas for upgrades and other stuff.

like what? breast expansion or ass expansion?

I meant stuff like in the picture I just posted, but we're also adding an NPC that focuses on breast expansion. No ass expansion yet.

lmao god of war 3 intro that was good

Lmao, yeah. You can find the to do list for the game on the page, at the bottom.


1.8 is a real game changer. Well done, and keep up the great work!


Thanks, bro. I love u

I relly want to see more the cutscenes images especially if can so for the naughty stuff

Yes, I am working on adding more visuals and stuff.

Accidentally deleted my post, but tldr: Mia goes down the Dom route, even though other dialogue option was picked. Clarification would be appreciated

Yes, I will give her dom or sub route again next update. I removed it for now.

Understood, thanks


New update dropped Wooooo

What will you Focus on after this Update?

You can find the to do list for the game here.

Will the 0.1.8 come for free? If yes, when?

Yeah, I will make it free when I have 0.1.9 ready for patrons.

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How long will it take? Because i can't afford your patron right now and I'm hyped to see what you created :) 

But take your time, there are always things that are way more important than creating and updating a game. 

Best regards 

I'm glad you like the game, I dont really have an ETA for the update. Probably in a couple months.


I had high hopes for this game but I am sadly disappointed.

Cute characters, ok story.  But there is ZERO nudity, ZERO animation.  It is basically a text only game with a few G rated pictures.

Don't waste your time.  FutaDom World is 1000% better.  Nudity and hardcore sex scenes!


In the current patreon update he added some new nude scenes and animation.



Bro, I saw your review of the game. I love you so much, god bless you, my boi. I will keep working and doing my best to make game better, u a real one.

I started adding more visuals, nudity and animation in the new patreon update, 0.1.8. I will keep adding more from now on.

Also futadom world is a finished game with artists and stuff, of course it's better lol

I do my best

My apologies.  I guess I was a bit harsh.  Looking forward to your next public release.  I'd subscribe but I am a retired combat vet on a pension.  Gotta watch every cent.

Again, sorry for the offense,


No worries, my fault for not adding visuals sooner. God bless

god forgive me for asking this question but is there girl with dick god knows why it so big god mercy god mercy

I am not sure what the question is, but if you're asking if we have futas the answer is yes and we're getting even more lol

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is the web version gonna be up any time soon or are you hosting it on another platform?

I will upload it when we get the next update, was some technical issue. No need to worry.

Ok, no need to send that horny jail thing

I want a game guide. because it's my first time playing this type of game and I'm attracted by the wonderful creativity


I need it!!!!!😁😁😁

Well most of the events just need you to follow the instructions in the quest menu, the app with the calendar icon inside the phone, but once things get more complex I will probably make a guide. I'm glad you like the game.

Many tasks are lost after completing 2, I don't know if it's because the translator I used leaked the game content. I hope you can tell me why (Rachel/AVE/Stepmother)😭😭😭

Uh, if you're playing the free version that's where content ends. Rachel gets a new event in 0.1.8.

Okay, thank you,Is it the free version where all characters have only one mission? I want to collect more character endings, but I don't know how to trigger missions😭😭😭

Sorry, mane. But if it's not in the quest menu it's probably the end.



how can i use cheats

There is a Cheat code menu where you have to Put in a Code

I know but whats the code? i have to play to find out?

Code is Only for Patron members, us Plebs dont deserve Cheats or Chicken

Damn, bro. It's not that bad, the game is free, mane.


Yeah, still, getting money is annoying

there are ways to cheat besides it, somthing that starts with the letter d

Hi, great game. What ai program are you using to make the sprites?

I use webUI forge and my model is autismmix.

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