Have to admit, there are a lot of code errors in the new update. Enjoying so far the game, but it's very difficult to play in this case. Hope de Dev understand my point.
After unequipping the crown once, when you try to equip it again, you only gain the bonus and you can repeat that for infinite bonuses.
I don't know if it's a bug or just not implemented, but I can't get past muscle level 1 : working out just gives nothing.
It's easy to abuse RNG when you sell yourself : if the hour passes uneventfully, you can just rewind and try again (that's not a bug, but it could be improved)
Hello, I love your game and wanted to know when 0.1.7 is coming on public. It is kind of addicting to play this game, I look everyday when the next update is out.
She does grow faster, check the description of the steroids. Also after you give Mia steroids click on the phone and find her contact info, press on more info and you see the current effects she has. She should have roided effect, if you hover on it, it will tell you that she gains free XP every day for 7 days after taking them. The effects stack
If the game dont make my the possibilitie to leaving the store, what do I do. When I want to buy energy drinks or steroids, the store won't let me go out
Huh now I'm a bit confused since I thought from your previous answer that you can't grow Rachel in the current version (I was playing ver. 1.6). Do you mean that Ava, Rachel and Emily will be growable in the public version in future updates and the rest will only be growable in the paid version in future updates?
I just created that account to say Thank You for that great game- I spent like 12 hours in 2 days :) Last game I had so much fun was Baldur3 :)
I keep my fingers crossed for next updates!
2 questions: a) Does "terrorist" quest line end on stealing documents right now?
b) Is it possible for You to somehow alternate some NPC lines once Your femboy is really bulky? I had more muscles than any of NPC, but they still acted like I would be scrawny and petite.
a) Yes, the current end is where you steal the documents since people never vote for MRA in the content polls lol. I'll have to extend it soon anyway since it's been a long time.
b) Yeah, I already did that in a couple places like when meeting Rachel at the supermarket.
Join the discord if you wanna see what's happening, interact with us and maybe suggest content :3
So played this on this webpage instead of downloading it. I gave this a good 6 hours worth of time so I got a good impression on how things work in this.
So, I do like the core theme and narrative of this. FMG is always good stuff. I do like that there are multiple women with various personalities and types for you to explore and get to know better.
There's a lot of locations to go and explore, and while the phone is useful to tell you what you should be doing, it certainly doesn't hold you hand, you have to explore on your own how to unlock dates and deeper conversations with the various women you see in the game.
My two biggest complaints are essentially:
1. This might be a bug or intentional but when you're trying to train Mia, it doesn't matter what item you give her, there's nothing that's going to be improved. She still gains only 1XP per workout/cardio and +3 stamina even with the massage gun. I bought for her a bunch of steroids (like 6 in total) considering that the conversation you have with her is implying that hey maybe she'll get more EXP per workout if you give her steroids. Which doesn't seem to be the case, so reaching Lvl 4 muscles with her took a very long time.
2. The fact that there are so many things that aren't implemented is kind of a bummer. I do hope that these features get implemented in later versions. Like trying to go out on a date with the gym teacher, I don't know if all of the choices were not implemented but I certainly picked one that wasn't.
Now for the touchy subject of Gen AI. I get it, it's cheap and you can almost get exactly what you want with it after bashing your head with prompts. And with over 100 sprites, you definitely save some money. But I do hope you'll consider commissioning an FMG/Futa artist someday to replace them or just have it as a different style in an option menu.
I'll keep an eye on this since this does show a lot of promise, just needs to have more stuff implemented and a few bugs fixed.
1. If you look in the contacts app and click on more info it shows you after taking steroids or giving them to mia the roided effect, it gives her 1 xp per day for 7 days, the effects stack. Also in 0.1.7 I changed the items quite a bit and lowered stat requirements as well as some other minor tweaks.
2. That stuff is a matter of time, I'm actively working on the game, but I'm in college and have a lot of stuff to do ;-;
As far as AI goes I do not plan on going to traditional art, evil femboy studios is just evil femboy aka me. I considered comissioning artists, but we do not have the budget for that. I also gave art a shot myself, did some stuff, but it's not realistic to handle the art, coding and writing of the game all by myself. 0.1.7 comes with a bunch of visual changes, replaced all sprites in the game so ditching AI at this point is unreasonable, this might be a discussion for a future game though.
Yeah, I saw your replies in the other comments so decided to support you with my axe on Patreon, hope to see great things come out :) and perfectly understandable the time constraints, you're doing the best you can with what you got!
I went through all the versions and really like it. Will Sarah participate in the growth, as a professional athlete she can get a much greater buff than others? Looking forward to helping her grow and fucking her in the next update) Can women get pregnant? Will we be able to get contacts of our teachers and help them grow? Approximately when will the next update be released?
Sarah is not a pro athlete, she's the step mom, maybe I'm confused here though. I think she'll grow too at some point, no reason not to. Next update is mostly visuals for past scenes though, adding new scenes in the one after that so no fucking her yet >:3
Pregnant? In theory yes, but not sure yet if that's a thing I'll do in the game at this point in time, too early (also if I were to do that I'd have to decide between a pregnancy system where unprotected sex has a chance to get a girl pregnant (also means we need condom item in shop) or making it a story path with a girl, leaning more towards the former since it means you can easily do it with any girl).
Contacts of teachers will come after they get more events, for example you get Angela's phone number after you do your first training session (not yet finished) with her at the gym.
ETA of next update? No idea, whatever I say is always wrong, but I'm working on it, replaced all of the sprites in the game so far, added a bunch of new ones. Currently working on adding NPCs like in gta 5 or witcher 3 to every location so the world feels less lonely (and so I can have some friends ;-;), after that it's custom visuals (like rachel smothering player with her tits), some sounds and then I'd say that's about it.
Is the “Grow for Angela I” quest currently completable? I’ve started a new game and despite having the quest available and going to the Gym in the city after midday on the weekend, Angela never appears.
Is it ever possible to outrun the security guards at the store? I thought if I increased my cardio I might be able to, but even with a cardio of 4, I can’t seem to do it
Are you aware there’s a fun little floating point number bug with the stats? When increasing my cardio, it increased my strength a bit, such that my strength is currently 76.20000000000005/160.
Thanks, 1. Yes, it's not complete, but you should be able to find her there 2. Nope, I haven't gotten around to do it yet since I wrote it back when the player didnt have any stats, but I'll do it eventually 3. Yeah, I'll round the numbers. 0.1.7 is mostly visuals though
I did start a fresh game specifically to test the “Grow for Angela I” quest without success, so there may be a weird bug with the trigger. I’ll give it another shot though. Thanks again!
Most are written inside the to do list app inside the phone UI, a couple are hidden inside random encounters(gym owner girl) or story progression (like officer colewoman, pizza girl and mafia woman).
My muscle and stamina levels aren't conserved between saves. I accidentally went through a sex scene and then lost all my stamina and muscle levels. This occured at school as Emily was experiencing her second growth spur
Are you sure that's what happened? As far as I can tell saving works fine and going through a scene can't just reset your levels. If the issue persists some screenshots would be much appreciated.
hey is the principal encounter that let’s you betray the terrorist organization available? I had played through many different times and I was only able to go pass her in the hallway.
I can't exit the store menu or the inventory. Idk if it's me being stupid or an issue with the game. It's probably me being stupid so don't worry, God.
There is a quest in the phone UI quest app, the to do list icon. It tells you to go at night to the dark alley in town after sundown, there you can whore yourself out like before. In the next update you'll have an app for it instead. You could also cheat yourself money since prostitution sucks rn, will be fixed next update. Cheat password in 0.1.6 is "fried chicken".
You can join the discord, I'm currently replacing them all and asking for opinions and stuff. I posted some WIP I had for Rachel already among other things.
so god 2 things, 1 I have figured out that my crashing problem is because of me playing on battery saving mode, this for some reason auto crashes the game if you visit Mia; and 2, i think you’re like the lucky god ever like other devs have to hire beta testers, whilst you just 1 press up load and everyone is gonna give you bugs for you to fix no need for beta testers
Ok, good to hear you fixed the crashing. As far as beta testing goes I just make a beta available to a couple people on the discord server and they help me with testing lately, I am lucky to have them :3
I try to upload the full version with as few bugs as possible, doesn't always work out though XD
I might have found a little bug, if you give steroids to Mia before she tell you to for example when she’s at level 2 and you give steroids to her, then the Mia storyline is done for, she will not be able to gain exp and the image doesn’t change as well but the game will for some reason assume she was level 3, it will play Mia level 3 dialogue etc…, I was stuck on Mia level 2 when I gave her steroids instead of the weights, mind fixing that in the next up date god?
I tried what you just said and it works fine for me, she just gets the steroids effect and you can keep training her. You're the first one to have that issue, you sure you didn't do anything else? From what I can see giving her steroids early doesn't affect much. Also I'll change up Mia's training next update anyway, we'll train her at the gym in town instead of at home.
umm.. i got a question. is that how it's supposed to be(0.1.6)? or it's fixed in 0.1.7? bought massage gun and weights and used both on myself on first stage of Mia's growth.
edit: I saw you replying to zabra1212 recently. I have same problem. got Mia to level 3, got dialogue and she still remaned being level 2. gave her no steroids though.
Ummm 🤔 it might be a mobile glitch, also another thing if you skip though chat logs by using 2 fingers a the same time there’s a rare chance Mia will gain 3-5 exp points per exercise, is that normal?
Mia roads is on but nothing happens, wtf is this a mobile thing or is this next version thing, also how do roids even work i dun think it makes my game any different
dude, can you put like two or four weights in the store, I accidentally used 1 on my self, I was able to gain twice as fast but the Mia story line was uncontinuable, and an you bring the what ever times 3 gains drug back cuz l am f****ing tired of grinding my way through both the player’s story line and Mia’s storyline
In 0.1.7 I lowered XP requirements for basically everything, also I changed the items a bunch. The weight set became a bulking ring which you can wear and take off whenever you want, it slows down stamina regen though. You can wear it or give it to anybody, take it off anytime too. I'll add more items to ease progression before the update is done.
Yeah, at first the weights were like a one use item that just permanently boosts XP from workouts, that's why in the next update we have equipment you can take on and off. If you took it then it boosted your XP multiplier, but you can only see it when working out.
Great work, I'm really enjoying your content. I noticed that you can give Mia PP+, is this unintentional, or does this lead to changes if you give her enough?
PP+ only works on people with dicks (penis size > 0) so far, futa tf would require more work that would come in future updates :3 Currently it only works for the player since the only 2 people you can give items to in this current versions are the player and Mia. The code to give anybody any item is already there so in future updates it will be more interesting to experiment with the stuff.
Wow, you did say that 0.1.6 would have more sandbox element and you really delivered. The map is amazing and having events timed based on the time of day is a great idea. Also, I've noticed all the small changes in the text if the character has grown (e.g. Mia in the gym).
My only frustration is the "will be implemented in a future version" that's encountered here and there.
Don't know if anyone ever told you but your descriptions and scenes are among the best out there.
On "quality of life" suggestion: could you use a small map for the school or the house with all the rooms and areas? It would reduce the number of times you have to click to navigate.
i agree with your frustration, hey god can you do something like say “Rachel is to grumpy to go on a date, wait till god’s the next update idiot” type of thing
well technically I can but I can’t cuz each time the thing crash my device will immediately assume the web page is having problems and immediately reloads the page, and I’m sitting here powerless to stop it
Frankly, for a meme number on dick size you could put like 80 fuckin' inches and that just makes every sexual encounter an imediate win with no skill check.
The dick size option thingy is there so you can choose how the encounters go, some people want to be dominated and some want to dominate. Dick size allows you to indirectly choose that, that was my reasoning behind it.
I realized that, and I just want the most possible meme number that only people that see this comment string will know. As I am a idiot who thinks "Ha ha, 80 is a funny number" so please, make this a reality and make everything purely a meme if you put this number on.
Thanks, working on it for 0.1.7. Prostitution getting complete overhaul this update, we have an app and we can choose our customers now, we also get different customers depending on where and when we use the app.
God is upgrading his PC so we won't be limited by sprites in the future. She'll get bigger eventually, but when it happens depends on what the patrons vote. For 0.1.7 the patrons voted for Mia (again ;-;), Rachel, Angela (Red head sports teacher) and for more futa content.
I just noticed that the biology teacher is supposed to say “males can’t take steroids” I guess god’s update is more powerful than the biology teacher despite being a guy
Sheeit, God forgot to update old content, for now you can see that info as the main character having plot armor. I went and changed those lines in 0.1.7 so males now can take steroids, but they're not as effective.
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Have to admit, there are a lot of code errors in the new update. Enjoying so far the game, but it's very difficult to play in this case. Hope de Dev understand my point.
I will fix them soon, sorry. Could you post some of the stuff you found? Would be helpful.
After unequipping the crown once, when you try to equip it again, you only gain the bonus and you can repeat that for infinite bonuses.
I don't know if it's a bug or just not implemented, but I can't get past muscle level 1 : working out just gives nothing.
It's easy to abuse RNG when you sell yourself : if the hour passes uneventfully, you can just rewind and try again (that's not a bug, but it could be improved)
Hello, I love your game and wanted to know when 0.1.7 is coming on public. It is kind of addicting to play this game, I look everyday when the next update is out.
Greetings from Germany
Hi, glad to hear you like it. Next update should be cooming in July once I'm done with 0.1.8 for patrons. Greeting also from Germany
If i give the sister steroids what does it happen? She doesn't grow faster
She does grow faster, check the description of the steroids. Also after you give Mia steroids click on the phone and find her contact info, press on more info and you see the current effects she has. She should have roided effect, if you hover on it, it will tell you that she gains free XP every day for 7 days after taking them. The effects stack
If the game dont make my the possibilitie to leaving the store, what do I do. When I want to buy energy drinks or steroids, the store won't let me go out
On the top right side of the screen you can press the X button, that will close the store UI and you can leave.
Stupid question 😅 I completed Rachel episode 2 and the game told me that I can grow her now. But I can't find her anywhere
Yeah, in later updates you'll be able to go to her apartment and train her. For now that's the end of her questline.
Ah ok, thought it was possible already since the picture above shows her with way more muscles. Can you grow any girls beside Mia atm?
Yeah, I should change those. You can grow Ava and Rachel and Emily in the public version.
Huh now I'm a bit confused since I thought from your previous answer that you can't grow Rachel in the current version (I was playing ver. 1.6). Do you mean that Ava, Rachel and Emily will be growable in the public version in future updates and the rest will only be growable in the paid version in future updates?
In 0.1.6 you can grow Rachel (if you have enough muscle yourself), Emily and Ava by advancing their storylines.
Hi @evilFemboy :)
I just created that account to say Thank You for that great game- I spent like 12 hours in 2 days :) Last game I had so much fun was Baldur3 :)
I keep my fingers crossed for next updates!
2 questions:
a) Does "terrorist" quest line end on stealing documents right now?
b) Is it possible for You to somehow alternate some NPC lines once Your femboy is really bulky? I had more muscles than any of NPC, but they still acted like I would be scrawny and petite.
Best Regards!
I'm happy to hear you like the game c:
a) Yes, the current end is where you steal the documents since people never vote for MRA in the content polls lol. I'll have to extend it soon anyway since it's been a long time.
b) Yeah, I already did that in a couple places like when meeting Rachel at the supermarket.
Join the discord if you wanna see what's happening, interact with us and maybe suggest content :3
Your boy,
Evil Femboy
I have 2 questions
In future updates will there be gay sex?
How do we figure out the cheats? Do we have to guess, or something else?
I haven't thought about gay stuff tbh, I'll consider it. Dunno how many people are into it, I might make a poll or something.
Cheats are for patrons, sorry.
Alright, can I know the answer if you decide to make a poll?
Pls dont shoot! i have a wife and kids..... (Not)
The cheats are in the game files, they're easy to find
What? Not my fault I'm curious and check the whole code.
we need chinese please
I won't be translating the game, sorry.
So played this on this webpage instead of downloading it. I gave this a good 6 hours worth of time so I got a good impression on how things work in this.
So, I do like the core theme and narrative of this. FMG is always good stuff. I do like that there are multiple women with various personalities and types for you to explore and get to know better.
There's a lot of locations to go and explore, and while the phone is useful to tell you what you should be doing, it certainly doesn't hold you hand, you have to explore on your own how to unlock dates and deeper conversations with the various women you see in the game.
My two biggest complaints are essentially:
1. This might be a bug or intentional but when you're trying to train Mia, it doesn't matter what item you give her, there's nothing that's going to be improved. She still gains only 1XP per workout/cardio and +3 stamina even with the massage gun. I bought for her a bunch of steroids (like 6 in total) considering that the conversation you have with her is implying that hey maybe she'll get more EXP per workout if you give her steroids. Which doesn't seem to be the case, so reaching Lvl 4 muscles with her took a very long time.
2. The fact that there are so many things that aren't implemented is kind of a bummer. I do hope that these features get implemented in later versions. Like trying to go out on a date with the gym teacher, I don't know if all of the choices were not implemented but I certainly picked one that wasn't.
Now for the touchy subject of Gen AI. I get it, it's cheap and you can almost get exactly what you want with it after bashing your head with prompts. And with over 100 sprites, you definitely save some money. But I do hope you'll consider commissioning an FMG/Futa artist someday to replace them or just have it as a different style in an option menu.
I'll keep an eye on this since this does show a lot of promise, just needs to have more stuff implemented and a few bugs fixed.
glad you like the game.
1. If you look in the contacts app and click on more info it shows you after taking steroids or giving them to mia the roided effect, it gives her 1 xp per day for 7 days, the effects stack. Also in 0.1.7 I changed the items quite a bit and lowered stat requirements as well as some other minor tweaks.
2. That stuff is a matter of time, I'm actively working on the game, but I'm in college and have a lot of stuff to do ;-;
As far as AI goes I do not plan on going to traditional art, evil femboy studios is just evil femboy aka me. I considered comissioning artists, but we do not have the budget for that. I also gave art a shot myself, did some stuff, but it's not realistic to handle the art, coding and writing of the game all by myself. 0.1.7 comes with a bunch of visual changes, replaced all sprites in the game so ditching AI at this point is unreasonable, this might be a discussion for a future game though.
Yours truly,
Evil Femboy :3
Yeah, I saw your replies in the other comments so decided to support you
with my axeon Patreon, hope to see great things come out :) and perfectly understandable the time constraints, you're doing the best you can with what you got!So I've gotten FMG events for Mia, Emily, Rachel, and Ava. Is there an FMG event for Amanda? If so how do you get it?
Not yet in the game, sorry.
I went through all the versions and really like it. Will Sarah participate in the growth, as a professional athlete she can get a much greater buff than others? Looking forward to helping her grow and fucking her in the next update) Can women get pregnant? Will we be able to get contacts of our teachers and help them grow? Approximately when will the next update be released?
Glad you like it :3
Sarah is not a pro athlete, she's the step mom, maybe I'm confused here though. I think she'll grow too at some point, no reason not to. Next update is mostly visuals for past scenes though, adding new scenes in the one after that so no fucking her yet >:3
Pregnant? In theory yes, but not sure yet if that's a thing I'll do in the game at this point in time, too early (also if I were to do that I'd have to decide between a pregnancy system where unprotected sex has a chance to get a girl pregnant (also means we need condom item in shop) or making it a story path with a girl, leaning more towards the former since it means you can easily do it with any girl).
Contacts of teachers will come after they get more events, for example you get Angela's phone number after you do your first training session (not yet finished) with her at the gym.
ETA of next update? No idea, whatever I say is always wrong, but I'm working on it, replaced all of the sprites in the game so far, added a bunch of new ones. Currently working on adding NPCs like in gta 5 or witcher 3 to every location so the world feels less lonely (and so I can have some friends ;-;), after that it's custom visuals (like rachel smothering player with her tits), some sounds and then I'd say that's about it.
Epic evil femboy face reveal at the end???? 😮
wait whot
I would love to see some pregnancy in endgame if you decide to implement it
Heya, Evil Femboy! Cool game; thanks!
Coupla questions:
1. Yes, it's not complete, but you should be able to find her there
2. Nope, I haven't gotten around to do it yet since I wrote it back when the player didnt have any stats, but I'll do it eventually
3. Yeah, I'll round the numbers.
0.1.7 is mostly visuals though
Thanks! I did start a fresh game specifically to test the “Grow for Angela I” quest without success, so there may be a weird bug with the trigger. I’ll give it another shot though. Thanks again!
how and what other girls can you meet?
Most are written inside the to do list app inside the phone UI, a couple are hidden inside random encounters(gym owner girl) or story progression (like officer colewoman, pizza girl and mafia woman).
And what kind of girls can you have a love relationship with in the game
How tf do you turn yourself in to a Futa/Woman? also nice game
It's not in the current version also thanks :3
can i give mia PP+?
You can, but it won't work since she doesn't have a dick.
damn sad
Is there even a way to make the girls grow? Other than Mia or whatever her name is.
You can meet Ava, and then visually she will change!
Yeah mate got to there but it just kinda stops and there's nothing else to do in the game
You can also grow Rachel after her second encounter if you have enough muscle mass, if your muscle level is 0 she stays the same.
My muscle and stamina levels aren't conserved between saves. I accidentally went through a sex scene and then lost all my stamina and muscle levels. This occured at school as Emily was experiencing her second growth spur
Are you sure that's what happened? As far as I can tell saving works fine and going through a scene can't just reset your levels. If the issue persists some screenshots would be much appreciated.
And also. Will there be an affair with Emily and Amanda? And will there be NSFM scenes?
Working on visuals for nsfw scenes this update. We'll get more Emily and Amanda content eventually.
The game is cool! In the future,i would like to see:
-continuation of the plot
-sounds of ecstasy and growth FMG
-more relationships and romance
Thanks to the developer(s) for such a game!
Glad to hear you like it :3
We're getting more of those in the next update.
hey is the principal encounter that let’s you betray the terrorist organization available? I had played through many different times and I was only able to go pass her in the hallway.
It should be, gotta do the MRA quests first though.
I can't exit the store menu or the inventory. Idk if it's me being stupid or an issue with the game. It's probably me being stupid so don't worry, God.
Nevermind, it was just the add to collection button blocking it.
Lmao, good to hear. Got worried from that first post.
God, i must ask you this one question. How do I get money? Like the opps took my only 50 bucks.
There is a quest in the phone UI quest app, the to do list icon. It tells you to go at night to the dark alley in town after sundown, there you can whore yourself out like before. In the next update you'll have an app for it instead. You could also cheat yourself money since prostitution sucks rn, will be fixed next update. Cheat password in 0.1.6 is "fried chicken".
Yeah ill try giving that a shot.
please more Pizza Girl content
Wait i partialy take that back
She's getting a makeover next update, giving her and all the other girls with new imagesPlease no
Not my best Girl
but Joker aside, will the artstyle Remake similiar ?
Or can you alterst Chose between artstyles ?
You can join the discord, I'm currently replacing them all and asking for opinions and stuff. I posted some WIP I had for Rachel already among other things.
No choosing between artstyles, but I think the new one is better anyway, we ball. You can find a TLDR of the discord here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/progress-update-101956852?utm_medium=clipboard_cop...
hey god the cheats on mobile is almost impossible to use cuz the on screen keyboard gets in the way
Bruh, lemme try
Ok, I see the issue. I fixed it in 0.1.7, all the testers were on pc for 0.1.6.
Sorry for the problem
so god 2 things, 1 I have figured out that my crashing problem is because of me playing on battery saving mode, this for some reason auto crashes the game if you visit Mia; and 2, i think you’re like the lucky god ever like other devs have to hire beta testers, whilst you just 1 press up load and everyone is gonna give you bugs for you to fix no need for beta testers
Ok, good to hear you fixed the crashing. As far as beta testing goes I just make a beta available to a couple people on the discord server and they help me with testing lately, I am lucky to have them :3
I try to upload the full version with as few bugs as possible, doesn't always work out though XD
Hey God, is there a menu that allows for alteration of stats and stories. Aka, a cheat menu
you should see it on the start screen if you pay attention, it’s rich kids only area btw
Nah, this update I'm giving out the cheats password cuz prostitution is fucked up, getting completely changed in 0.1.7
Cheat menu only changes stats, the password in 0.1.6 is "fried chicken". Giving out the password this update cuz prostitution is broken.
And what does he do
I might have found a little bug, if you give steroids to Mia before she tell you to for example when she’s at level 2 and you give steroids to her, then the Mia storyline is done for, she will not be able to gain exp and the image doesn’t change as well but the game will for some reason assume she was level 3, it will play Mia level 3 dialogue etc…, I was stuck on Mia level 2 when I gave her steroids instead of the weights, mind fixing that in the next up date god?
Wait, what
how the fuck does that even work
I gotta try this shi
I tried what you just said and it works fine for me, she just gets the steroids effect and you can keep training her. You're the first one to have that issue, you sure you didn't do anything else? From what I can see giving her steroids early doesn't affect much. Also I'll change up Mia's training next update anyway, we'll train her at the gym in town instead of at home.
umm.. i got a question. is that how it's supposed to be(0.1.6)? or it's fixed in 0.1.7? bought massage gun and weights and used both on myself on first stage of Mia's growth.
edit: I saw you replying to zabra1212 recently. I have same problem. got Mia to level 3, got dialogue and she still remaned being level 2. gave her no steroids though.
Ok, I fixed the quest thing. Also sprites change every 2 levels in 0.1.6, it's not a bug. I'll add more sprites in future updates.
Ummm 🤔 it might be a mobile glitch, also another thing if you skip though chat logs by using 2 fingers a the same time there’s a rare chance Mia will gain 3-5 exp points per exercise, is that normal?
I'm not sure how that would even work lmao, never heard anybody say that. Mia getting changed a bunch next update anyway.
Mia roads is on but nothing happens, wtf is this a mobile thing or is this next version thing, also how do roids even work i dun think it makes my game any different
The steroids give free daily XP to muscle stat for a week, if you hover on the roided effect it should tell you that.
can you even hover over it on mobile?
I'm dumb, I forgot about that. Maybe tap and hold on it, should do it.
dude, can you put like two or four weights in the store, I accidentally used 1 on my self, I was able to gain twice as fast but the Mia story line was uncontinuable, and an you bring the what ever times 3 gains drug back cuz l am f****ing tired of grinding my way through both the player’s story line and Mia’s storyline
In 0.1.7 I lowered XP requirements for basically everything, also I changed the items a bunch. The weight set became a bulking ring which you can wear and take off whenever you want, it slows down stamina regen though. You can wear it or give it to anybody, take it off anytime too. I'll add more items to ease progression before the update is done.
how are you supposed to get the weights of exactly, it disappears when I put it on, and doesn’t appear in the equipment screen
Yeah, at first the weights were like a one use item that just permanently boosts XP from workouts, that's why in the next update we have equipment you can take on and off. If you took it then it boosted your XP multiplier, but you can only see it when working out.
Evil femboy idk how do the futa badge
Pls teach me or post a guide
I don’t think it’s in this ver dude, if you go back to your rock and wait another year who knows you might be able to do it
Damn, what a meanie :(
sorry I was bullied by a big girl at school, I was still planning revenge when I’m playing this so kinda not in a good mood
Not in the current version, many of the achievements are there to hint at future content.
Great work, I'm really enjoying your content. I noticed that you can give Mia PP+, is this unintentional, or does this lead to changes if you give her enough?
PP+ only works on people with dicks (penis size > 0) so far, futa tf would require more work that would come in future updates :3
Currently it only works for the player since the only 2 people you can give items to in this current versions are the player and Mia. The code to give anybody any item is already there so in future updates it will be more interesting to experiment with the stuff.
Wow, you did say that 0.1.6 would have more sandbox element and you really delivered. The map is amazing and having events timed based on the time of day is a great idea. Also, I've noticed all the small changes in the text if the character has grown (e.g. Mia in the gym).
My only frustration is the "will be implemented in a future version" that's encountered here and there.
Don't know if anyone ever told you but your descriptions and scenes are among the best out there.
On "quality of life" suggestion: could you use a small map for the school or the house with all the rooms and areas? It would reduce the number of times you have to click to navigate.
Keep it up and can't wait for 0.1.7!
Thank you, thank you. Will try to fill in the blank spots in the next update and add other stuff, glad you like it.
i agree with your frustration, hey god can you do something like say “Rachel is to grumpy to go on a date, wait till god’s the next update idiot” type of thing
What is the cheat code?
in 0.1.6 it's "fried chicken", giving it out this update cuz prostitution is broken.
the game is great and all but it keeps crashing for me...
Wait whot
I just saw this comment, I hope it's fixed now in the new update.
nope still crashing a lot.
Can you send me a screenshot? Nobody sent me any bugs on discord, I assumed we were good this update :(
well technically I can but I can’t cuz each time the thing crash my device will immediately assume the web page is having problems and immediately reloads the page, and I’m sitting here powerless to stop it
Frankly, for a meme number on dick size you could put like 80 fuckin' inches and that just makes every sexual encounter an imediate win with no skill check.
Also for shits and giggles I will always name my character Sonic The Hedgehog
The dick size option thingy is there so you can choose how the encounters go, some people want to be dominated and some want to dominate. Dick size allows you to indirectly choose that, that was my reasoning behind it.
I did not know that xD
I realized that, and I just want the most possible meme number that only people that see this comment string will know. As I am a idiot who thinks "Ha ha, 80 is a funny number" so please, make this a reality and make everything purely a meme if you put this number on.
In the game at what time can i speak to the mother? Having trouble for that objective. Every time I try she is not there. Please
You mean in 0.1.6? Doesn't it say in the quest app when and where to find her? It's in the kitchen between 4 and 8 PM, I think.
it does not seem to work as i got an error page. yes it is for 0.1.6
Oof, if you got an error page it's probably because you got an older version. It should work now.
Does god know when 0.16 will release for the low life Itch.io mortals?
God should have 0.1.7 out for patrons by April so he'll make 0.1.6 public once that happens.
Ello, uploaded it early :3
Here to remind you about femdom teacher prostitute update
Thanks, working on it for 0.1.7. Prostitution getting complete overhaul this update, we have an app and we can choose our customers now, we also get different customers depending on where and when we use the app.
are you gonna add art or is this just a read only type game?
I ordered a new PC so I can add more visuals myself using AI, but I'm also working on my drawing skills. Yes, I will add more visuals.
God I have a question,can Sarah get bigger like Mia or nah in the future update?
God is upgrading his PC so we won't be limited by sprites in the future. She'll get bigger eventually, but when it happens depends on what the patrons vote. For 0.1.7 the patrons voted for Mia (again ;-;), Rachel, Angela (Red head sports teacher) and for more futa content.
I understand. Keep up the good work God.
I just noticed that the biology teacher is supposed to say “males can’t take steroids” I guess god’s update is more powerful than the biology teacher despite being a guy
Sheeit, God forgot to update old content, for now you can see that info as the main character having plot armor. I went and changed those lines in 0.1.7 so males now can take steroids, but they're not as effective.